The single largest most important investment is our home as it is probably the most important thing that we have bought. Few things to maintain your house properly A beautiful house is the one which is well maintained. There are many things that you need to keep in mind while routinely checking your house for safety. Gas leaks are serious issues which can often pollute and contaminate the water in your area and this water is supplied to your house for the purpose of household work so it is very necessary to keep a watch on leaking of gas. We’ve all been guilty of procrastinating one thing or another more than a few times in our lives. Whether that be exercising, household chores or anything else, it tends to happen quite frequently to some of us! The same can be said about homeowners dealing with plumbing problems. Until it becomes a much more noticeable issue, it’s easy to sweep a plumbing problem under the rug. Maybe your budget is running tight and you don’t want to hire a plumber at the moment. Or it could quite honestly just seem like a nominal problem that’s never going to become serious. Nonetheless, it doesn’t seem like a pressing issue at that point in time!
We will show just why it’s a bad idea to procrastinate on any plumbing problems. Yes, some of these issues are more serious than others, but they all follow the same principle: the longer you let it sit, the bigger headache it will become. Your plumbing system is intertwined with so many areas around your home that this point will always hold true. With that said, let’s hop right in and take a look how those small plumbing issues can cost you a pretty penny in the long run!
When it comes to plumbing issues, the first and foremost topic that you’ll want to keep in mind is the health and safety of everyone living in the house. That brings us to the first consequence of plumbing procrastination: mold and mildew growth. From an aesthetic point of view, mold isn’t pretty to see. However, it’s the negative health effects that we’ll be focusing on here.
The growth of mold and mildew is fairly straight-forward. When there is moisture sitting around and it doesn’t get cleaned up, it will continue to grow. After a few months of growth, you’ll all of a sudden have a much more serious issue. So, how does this negatively affect one’s health? According to the EPA, “molds produce allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions), irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins).” All of this can lead to respiratory problems for all of the home’s inhabitants and tends to be particularly more threatening to younger children (or anyone with compromised immune systems). In the end, if you can avoid mold growing in your home, that’s something you will want to take care of ASAP.
Plenty of things in mind that you’d rather spend your hard-earned money on than an ever-growing water bill. Well, if your water bill seems to be consistently rising each month, chances are it’s due to a plumbing failure. That dripping faucet or running toilet might seem like nothing more than an annoyance, but the truth is it’s costing you money each month. Even though it may never develop into anything serious, why not get it fixed right away and avoid wasting money each month on your water bill?
Just how much water can a leaky faucet or running toilet cost you? We went back to the EPA for some official stats and the results may surprise you! “The average household’s leaks can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year and ten percent of homes have leaks that waste 90 gallons or more per day.” It’s fairly easy to see how that many gallons of water wasted can result in you paying more on the water bill! On a positive note, the best part about these types of plumbing repairs is the fact that they can be fixed relatively easily and at a reasonable price. More often than not, our trained technicians can have these resolved in an hour or two!
In short, when plumbing fails, it causes a bevy of different issues and starting a residential fire falls on that list. To start, most of your plumbing system isn’t readily visible to the average homeowner. Pipes are hidden behind walls, underground and so on. When you have a leak, this water can potentially find its way to electrical wiring or electrical units. Following this, it can generate sparks and even start a fire. The best solution to preventing a scenario like this? Keep an eye out for noticeable water damage or as previously mentioned, unusually-high water bills. These are the most recognizable signs of a leak!
To prevent pipes from freezing during the winter, a common strategy is to provide added insulation or heat tape to uninsulated pipes. We’re not advising against this tactic, but merely recommending to act with care and caution in doing so. If heat tape isn’t applied correctly, it can overheat and cause some problems! Keep this in mind as you get ready to winterize your plumbing later this year! It’s easy to ignore a slow drain and just tack it up as something you’ll eventually get to. If this is you, you’re not alone! After all, it requires both a financial and time commitment to meet a plumber at your house to take a look. However, as seen throughout this article, even the smallest of issues can quickly turn into major headaches!
That dripping faucet can eventually turn into more of a trickle. Before you know it, your water bill has risen steadily for numerous months in a row. That unpleasant smell that didn’t seem unbearable could turn into a situation where you need to replace a sewer line. In no time, you have an excavator in your front yard doing demo and a few thousand dollars later, you have a torn up yard and a new sewer line! Our final example is that minor blockage which made one of your drains run slower than normal. After consistent pressure applied by this blockage, you have a pipe burst and I’m guessing you have an idea just how serious this could be!